Congratulations to

National Teaching Award Nominee
Desiree Bonetto
Ashley Hall, Charleston, South Carolina
Student Nomination Story
Since I would like this to be anonymous I am going to be vague but I just want her to know what an impact she has had on me one of her current students with out her even knowing. My year had been pretty hard but her opening up to me and making me feel better about myself when I was put down in other things has helped tremendously. She is an amazing person and funny person and deserves this nomination. She has helped me with out even her knowing which I’m so very grateful for. I am so glad I have the opportunity for her to be my teacher. She is one of the kindest people I know and I have learned so much in her class. She makes her class very engaging and fun to go to. I look forward to going every few days. Unfortunately we don’t get to see her everyday. Ashley Hall is lucky to have her. She doesn’t get recognized as much as she should for all of her work which is unfortunate. I am lucky to have her as my teacher.
To see more exceptional teacher nominees, visit The Honor Roll.