Student Nomination Story

Since the first day of school I could tell she was really interested in us not just as students but as kids. In our second week of class she announced she would be doing a home visit because she wanted to get to know us more. I found that weird but fun at the same time. This showed me that she wasn't kidding when she said she wanted to get to know us. Ms. Carter made second grade fun even though it was challenging at times. Ms. Carter showed each and every one of us that we were special and we could do what ever we set our mind to. She challenged us every day and we didn't even realize she was only helping us learn. By the time I got to 3rd grade I was more than ready for that challenge. When I started struggling in 3rd grade she still found the time to help me with whatever I needed. I am now in 5th grade and Ms. Carter is still there to help me with whatever questions I might have. We are currently in two different states and I appreciate the fact that she still makes time to help me!

Isaac Villanueva

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