Student Nomination Story

I was a lost student before her. Brooke Lade changed my life in so many ways I wouldn't know how to thank her for all of it. She helped me emotionally and academically. It was my first year of high school, which can be overwhelming; but she helped me out in every way she could. She made me find a passion for reading and writing, which I never had. I learned so much about myself in her class. Not only did I grow academically but also I made a new friend. She pushed me to always do my best and keep going even when it was difficult. I will admit it was a lot of work, but I am very thankful for all of it. I am the type of person who cares for others before myself, but she told me that I need to think about myself first sometimes and think about what is best for me. She always told me I was strong and brilliant (who doesn't like to be told that), but she would say it with meaning and emotion. She always gave the best hugs and thought about what would be best for me. She also once told me that I am too mature for my age and that it is very mature of me to think about certain situations in that way. She always appreciated me and told me she loved me, which is something you don't hear from many teachers that often. I am hoping to stay in contact with her and have her in my life for as long as she wants me because she truly impacted and changed my life.

Emily Torres

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